If I could say just 1 thing about GLP-1’s it would be…I wish I had started sooner!
(With the right support)
I felt a lot of fear around starting these peptides and had I known how easeful the experience would be, with the right community of support and education about best practices for feeling my best on these peptides, I would’ve started a long time ago!

My weight has always been a roller coaster ride, with ups and downs that began to just feel like a struggle that would be with me for life. I felt tired, even on days or months when I wasn’t in an active push to lose the weight. Because for those of us in this boat, it’s ALWAYS on our minds, which makes it feel absolutely exhausting.
For whatever reason it becomes an insistent focus and an elusive goal, one that always seems juuuust out of reach. We may get close or even get there and then wham! Back down we fall.
GLP-1’s are a GAME CHANGER. They are the first mode of weight loss that is so life changing I’m actually on board with baring my naked truth so I can let other people know – we do not have to live with this struggle anymore. This is the END of the fixation.
And it all starts with admitting how hard the weight struggle is, that it’s not your fault and you are not lazy or taking the easy way out, that obesity is a DISEASE and needing medical support is no different than requiring meds for any health related condition. It’s OKAY to be in this boat, you are lovable and worthy and deserve to have your body reflect how you desire to feel. We all deserve that.
As a therapist I have worked all the angles and have done all the work – mentally, emotionally and physically and still I struggled. That struggle is over now that I am on the GLP-1 tirzepatide.
And I’m SO excited to be able to guide my clients on this journey if they choose to make it part of their midlife mayhem makeover like I, and so many other bad ass women, are doing.
If you’re ready to get started or want to chat about your journey, click the link below so we can set up a free consultation. Don’t let another month pass by wondering “what if?”—you deserve to feel incredible, and I’m here to help you make it happen.