Therapeutic Life Coaching

Welcome! I’m Katie Kovaleski, a Certified Growth Mindset Life Coach and PSYCH-K® facilitator with Masters’ Degrees in both Mental Health and Marriage & Family Counseling. My practice offers a hybrid of traditional therapy, holistic self-care practices & subconscious coaching via PSYCH-K®. This three prong approach offers a well rounded model for true healing and growth, healing the symptoms as well as the ROOT cause. I offer one-on-one, couple’s,  & group Therapeutic Life Coaching. Let’s get started!



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Katie's Story...
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"Katie's coaching changed my life"
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Past Trauma
Negative Self-talk
Improving Relationships
AND so much more!

is used for:

Past Trauma
Negative Self-talk
Improving Relationships

AND so much more!

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Your Journey Begins HERE.


Katie’s Story

I describe my practice as “therapeutic life coaching” because it truly is a hybrid of traditional therapy, holistic self-care practices & subconscious coaching. 15-16 years ago, life coaching was a relatively new field that had yet to picked up by the mainstream.
This was back in 2007, when I was just starting graduate school, pursuing a dual masters in Marriage and Family/Mental Health Counseling. I remember during the first week of the program we had to go around the room and share why we were pursuing the degree and what we hoped to do with it once we graduated. There were quite a few “private practice” responses, a handful of “move on to my Ph.D.” answers and a small number of people wanted to work in a clinical or school setting.

And then there was me.

I said, with the brazen confidence of a 23 year old who doesn’t know better, (or maybe I did ;))

“I want to be a life coach.” Annnnnd…CRICKETS. You could hear a pin drop when I said that, which prompted me to further explain: “I’ve been the recipient of traditional therapy AND of life coaching and I think life coaching offers a wider breadth of help. Also, I’m not a fan of being a servant to insurance companies, I don’t think they pay well and I don’t like that in order to be reimbursed you basically have to slap a diagnosis on every single person that walks through your door. I also don’t like that I have to pick just ONE theory to specialize in, why do I have to be JUST a cognitive behavior therapist or JUST a solution focused therapist or JUST a narrative therapist? Why can’t I be all of them? (If you’re familiar with human design, this was my mani-gen spirit coming through). So, I only applied to grad school because I’m 23, a certified life coach with only two decades of life experience and I want to provide my practice with credibility and my clients with the best service possible, so graduate school it is!”

I was an anomaly.

No other therapists there wanted to be life coaches, in fact, they regarded them as being under qualified at best and a threat to the well being and health of people world wide at worst. And yet, here I was, determined to pave a new way, convinced that life coaching would be the “thing” of the future. And in many ways, I think I was right. The coaching field has become a booming industry and I’m proud to be a part of it, using my graduate school background as a way to do what I set out to do 15 years ago – provide my practice with credibility and my clients with the best service possible.
13 years into private practice has now also given me the edge I didn’t have back then; experience. Not just experience with working with 1,000’s of clients but experience in my own life which has allowed me to apply my tools and see where the weak spots were.  And this is how my hybrid approach was born.

Therapeutic Life Coaching

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