Q: I‘m interested in a session but I have a few questions first, how do I proceed?

Let’s set up a 15-minute complimentary get acquainted zoom or phone call to answer all of your questions!

Q: How many sessions do I need?

For 1-1 coaching: I typically recommend at least 6-12 sessions depending on how many areas of your life you wish to see changes in. If there are multiple areas of desired change, more sessions may be necessary.

For couple’s work: I recommend a minimum of 8 sessions for couple’s work, unless we have already worked together for prior sessions. 

Q: How often do I need sessions?

I schedule sessions with clients every other week unless they are actively in crisis in which case we would do weekly sessions temporarily.

Q: What happens in a session?

A typical session is 60-minutes via zoom or in person for those located in the Orlando area. Prior to the first session you will fill out an intake form so we can spend the majority of the session focusing on what areas you want to up level and change in your life. My practice is centered around a hybrid of traditional therapy, holistic self-care practices & subconscious coaching.

During the session, I support and guide you as we take a look around your life and history to figure out the origins of some of the road blocks you’re bumping up against. We then have discussions about holistic self-care practices to help you understand how to love and support your mind, body and spirit in a way that heals the nervous system and soothes anxiety. And THEN, we use the magic of PSYCH-K® to re-wire the limiting beliefs that are underlying those road blocks FOR GOOD.

This three prong approach offers a well rounded model for true healing and growth, healing the symptoms as well as the ROOT cause.

Q: I’m ready to book a session, what happens next?

We start by scheduling our first session (I can be contacted via email, my website or phone) and prior to the session I will send you an intake form to gather some information about what you would like to work on in sessions as well as some of your history. You will also receive an invoice/payment information prior to our first meeting. And then, we have our first session!

Q: What type of investment am I looking at?

Single sessions for 1-1 & couple’s sessions are $222 per session and 4, 8 & 12 session packages are available with increasing discounts based on the size of the package. I run specials twice a year so be sure to sign up for my email list!

    • 4 session package: $799 = $199/session 
    • 8 session package: $1555 = $194/session
    • 12 session package: $2,300 = $191/session
    • Quantum Leap 6-month 1-1 programs: $2250 = $187/session (these include 12 sessions)
    • Quantum Leap 6-month group programs: $2500 = $138/session (these include 12 group sessions & six 1-1 sessions)
Q: Do you take insurance or offer discounts or payment plans?

I do not take insurance and payment plans are available for 12 session packages as well as both of the Quantum Leap Programs 

I would love to answer any additional questions you may have on a 15-minute get acquainted call, I look forward to connecting with you!